11 November 2009

school out

yes,school out,boring and i got something to do with my holiday this time,no more buang masaa tuh semua,bahh,now im helping my parentswith their catering business,*sounds like Demi Lovato dalam CampRock,HAHAHAHA,yeah,a little bit penat,but,i dont really mind,yeah,im not missing any pasir salak yet,but since everybody keep posting,*aku windu korang,ak suka 3b,jangan lupekan kenangan kitee and so on and on tuh,so i must show some u know lahh,nanti kataa apa pulakk,ok,

these picture was taken when i was form two,bodo gileee,lawak pon adaa;


2b MRSMPS againn,

*there is something at the picture,look it carefully,hahaha