Lama tak update blog kan ? haha yes. cuti sekolah dah start dan suppose aku dah start buat homework tapi? haaaa. Tuhan je tahu betapa errrgh lah aku nie.
So rabu hari tu pergi lost world. Aduhai what do i suppose to write ? Boring betul blog aku. Okay then pergi lostworld umu aiman which is a friend of mine. Dia sangat kecik comei but dah boleh drive. WTH? boleh drive? yes she is. Aku nie pathetic motor pun tk sure i can handle it.
Ala kecoh la Syairah Khalil boleh drive je pun. Well hello mesti lah kecoh because i am 17 either tapi tak tahu nak drive. Mesti la aku excited. HAHA. (: forgive tht
First we went to JJ sebab nak beli barang and then terserempak dengan my junior. Kesian tgk dia melilau cari kawan. Pastu punya bongok i forgot to bring along my mandi-pants then rushing ke reject shop. Haram mahal RM30.00! what a waste?
So rabu hari tu pergi lost world. Aduhai what do i suppose to write ? Boring betul blog aku. Okay then pergi lostworld umu aiman which is a friend of mine. Dia sangat kecik comei but dah boleh drive. WTH? boleh drive? yes she is. Aku nie pathetic motor pun tk sure i can handle it.
Ala kecoh la Syairah Khalil boleh drive je pun. Well hello mesti lah kecoh because i am 17 either tapi tak tahu nak drive. Mesti la aku excited. HAHA. (: forgive tht
First we went to JJ sebab nak beli barang and then terserempak dengan my junior. Kesian tgk dia melilau cari kawan. Pastu punya bongok i forgot to bring along my mandi-pants then rushing ke reject shop. Haram mahal RM30.00! what a waste?
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